Response to COVID-19
Since the weekend of March 13, 2020, the United States has experienced a new way of life. With the COVID-19 pandemic, families are urged to restrict their daily activities and practice social distancing to flatten the curve. People across the country are seeking ways to engage in physical activity as to improve mental and physical health. Outdoor spaces are experiencing record level visitors as a result. We are happy to say that the Cambria County Trails are still open for enjoyment, but we ask that you please proceed with caution. Status updates for the Path of the Flood Trail section between the NPS Staple Bend parking area and the Coy/McCombie Link, please visit the Allegheny Portage Railroad site for updates. This section is owned and managed by the National Park service.
- Maintain a 6-foot distance between others as recommended by the CDC when you arrive at the trail head parking lot and during your time on the trail. This might seem weird, but these are weird times. It will benefit all if we implement this idea.
- Follow the CDC’s guidance on personal hygiene such as washing your hands, carrying hand sanitizer, avoiding touching your face, covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, etc.
- As per Governor Wolf, masks or face coverings are recommended while recreating outdoors in the state of Pennsylvania at this time.
- Please stay home if you do not feel well!
- Plan on visiting the trail with people you are already in physical contact with. This includes your housemates or other family members within your home.
- Dog walking can be more challenging at this time. Dogs must be on a 6-foot leash at all times and must also practice the measure of maintaining a 6-foot distance from other dogs and persons on the trail. You may need to hold your dog by your side as others pass on the trail.
- When passing others on the trail, warn them of your presence. Allow proper distance and step off of the trail if necessary. Signal your presence with your voice, bell or horn.
- Restrooms are open along the trails, most of which contain hand sanitizer.
- Bring along food and water that you may need during your time outdoors.
- Practice the Leave No Trace principles – pack it in, pack it out! Bring along a small bag, just in case!
- Select multiple trail heads to access should one be crowded. We have seen a massive increase in trail usage at this time, and some of the more popular trail heads get crowded. Between the three rail trails in Cambria County, there are over a dozen access points. Please refer to each individual trail’s page as listed at the top of our website under “Our Trails”.
- Check out maps online before you go. While we do have maps at trail heads, you can eliminate your exposure to germs by researching before you head out.
As earlier stated, the trail heads have been busy, meaning more people are using the trails. These trails are here for your enjoyment at NO COST to you! However, excessive use of trails does pose the risk of more required maintenance in the long run.
If you would be interested in assisting with any unforeseen costs due to damages along the Jim Mayer Riverswalk, Path of the Flood Trail, or the Ghost Town Trail, please consider becoming a Friend of the Trails. Your tax-deductible donation goes 100% to the trails for expansion, beautification, and upkeep of our trails. By giving to the trails, you are helping to provide a unique experience for trail users during this unique time.
With numerous events cancelling around the country at this time, questions have risen about the Cambria County Trails Series. As of right now:
-The Path of the Flood Historic Races have been CANCELLED
–The Ghost Town Trail Challenge has been RESCHEDULED to August 22, 2020
-The Jim Mayer Riverswalk 5K/10K is still set to take place on September 7, 2020
Should anything else change, we will email participants immediately with plans and post updates on our website, Facebook page, and Instagram account.
We strive to keep the trails of Cambria County in the best possible shape for the community. However, as mother-nature always surprises us, things like washouts, fallen trees, and other issues may arise. Please note that we have limited maintenance staffing at this time, but will address any and all issues as quickly as we can.
For issues along the Jim Mayer Riverswalk, Path of the Flood Trail, or Ghost Town Trail between Ebensburg and Vintondale, please contact CCCRA at info@cambriaconservationrecreation.com.
For issues along the Ghost Town Trail from Vintondale to Saylor Park, please contact Indiana County Parks & Trails at indparks@gmail.com.
While the trails remain open to the public, please refer to our Rules & Safety Information on our website. Accepted trail uses include activities such as hiking, running and biking. Unacceptable uses include activities such as horseback riding and motorized vehicles.
If we work together, we can make everyone’s trail experience as safe and enjoyable as possible.